IL Menu

Our Italian chefs make great Italian food, the traditional way - including homemade pasta and delicious pizzas made in our pizza oven.
Plus on an evening, you might even catch our opera-singing chef, in full song...

(V) Suitable for vegetarians. Food allergies and intolerances; please speak to our staff about the ingredients in your meal, when making your order. Please note a discretionary 10% service charge will be included in your bill. VAT included.

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Please see below for a tasty preview of our authentic Italian dishes. Please note these are sample menus only and may differ when you visit, as we constantly update the specialities we make. 

If you have any specific dietary requirements, please ask & we will try our utmost to accommodate.

Esse nufesso qui dice male di macaroni
(One has to be an idiot to speak badly of macaroni)

Italian proverb

L'appetito vien mangiando
(The appetite comes while you're eating)